Thursday, February 19, 2009

1st Birthday

Today Dylan woke up happy and talking up a storm, he must of known new things were on the horizon. I sang happy birthday to him as soon as I walked through the door, and we proceeded with our usual morning routine - I turn off his noise machine, open his curtains and the blinds and then pick him up and share our morning cuddle. He gives the best hugs these days - really knows how to squeeze! Then we share our special time, and once done nursing we go to the kitchen for waffles and yogurt. A quick hello to the "doggie" on the way and our day begins. Once Chris was up we had some coffee and took a few photos of our birthday boy. We reminisced about this time last year and how we never knew the depth of our love, our happiness. When Chris left for work we waved him bye-bye from the door like we always do and then played for about an hour, mostly Dylan pushed around a laundry basket from one side of the house to the other, I filmed a bit for prosperity sake. About 10 am it was nap time and he slept for almost 2 hrs, when he woke up we went and met Chris for lunch at Luna de Noche where Dylan thoroughly enjoyed himself lapping up refried beans and Spanish rice, clearly I need to offer this on his "menu". We had a wonderful lunch, and then went in to see some of Chris' coworkers and Dylan proceeded to charm everyone's pants off! He smiled at everyone and then walked down the hall holding his Daddy's hand. We left and went to the party store to get some goodies for Saturday then back home for some more milk and a cat nap while drinking! Dinner was broccoli pancakes, cornbread and peas with some yogurt for dessert. All in all it was a fantastic day, and we will look forward to the BIG celebration on Saturday with all of our family and friends.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

364 days old

Well, my baby turns one tomorrow at 12:56 pm it will be official. Everyone tells you how fast it goes by, but you really have no idea until you blink and a year has passed. What an amazing year it has been. I am going to write more tomorrow, tonight it's late, and I have way too much on my mind to make sense of right now! One more peak at my sweet angel sleeping before I go to bed and wake up with a 1 year old!