Thursday, February 19, 2009

1st Birthday

Today Dylan woke up happy and talking up a storm, he must of known new things were on the horizon. I sang happy birthday to him as soon as I walked through the door, and we proceeded with our usual morning routine - I turn off his noise machine, open his curtains and the blinds and then pick him up and share our morning cuddle. He gives the best hugs these days - really knows how to squeeze! Then we share our special time, and once done nursing we go to the kitchen for waffles and yogurt. A quick hello to the "doggie" on the way and our day begins. Once Chris was up we had some coffee and took a few photos of our birthday boy. We reminisced about this time last year and how we never knew the depth of our love, our happiness. When Chris left for work we waved him bye-bye from the door like we always do and then played for about an hour, mostly Dylan pushed around a laundry basket from one side of the house to the other, I filmed a bit for prosperity sake. About 10 am it was nap time and he slept for almost 2 hrs, when he woke up we went and met Chris for lunch at Luna de Noche where Dylan thoroughly enjoyed himself lapping up refried beans and Spanish rice, clearly I need to offer this on his "menu". We had a wonderful lunch, and then went in to see some of Chris' coworkers and Dylan proceeded to charm everyone's pants off! He smiled at everyone and then walked down the hall holding his Daddy's hand. We left and went to the party store to get some goodies for Saturday then back home for some more milk and a cat nap while drinking! Dinner was broccoli pancakes, cornbread and peas with some yogurt for dessert. All in all it was a fantastic day, and we will look forward to the BIG celebration on Saturday with all of our family and friends.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

364 days old

Well, my baby turns one tomorrow at 12:56 pm it will be official. Everyone tells you how fast it goes by, but you really have no idea until you blink and a year has passed. What an amazing year it has been. I am going to write more tomorrow, tonight it's late, and I have way too much on my mind to make sense of right now! One more peak at my sweet angel sleeping before I go to bed and wake up with a 1 year old!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Books, not just for eating anymore!

Tonight we had a breakthrough during bedtime. As we sat in Dylan's chair and cuddled up with our gnawed up copy of Goodnight Moon something spectacular happened. Dylan sat in my lap and pointed at the pictures on the pages, and before I knew it I had finished reading him the book. No grabbing the book and biting it, no trying to constantly turn the book over, no knocking the book on the floor and scooting it around, just quiet attention. I was so surprised by his reaction I read it again. Same thing! He listened to me and pointed at the pages and talked to me, almost mimicking what I was saying. It was so fun! I was just talking to some mommy friends this morning at MOPS about how I was looking forward to the time when he would be able to just sit in my lap and allow me to read to him. It happened. I guess this means it's time to expand our little library, not much need to have a lot of books when all they are used for is chewing!

Happy reading!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Favorite Passtimes

Well even with the plethora of new toys he received for Christmas, Dylan still loves to open the entertainment center doors and pull out all the DVD's, he also enjoys the remote controls as well as any other non-kid friendly object there is. As a matter of fact if there were 2 identical cell phones laying around and one was actually a kid's toy in disguise he would honestly go for the "Real" one! It's like they have radar or something for things they aren't suppose to play with. Amazing! He does like his Radio Flyer walker/wagon and his Leap Frog piano. Above all he really just enjoys pushing things around the floor - puzzle pieces, rubber duckie, his wagon, a shoe, the remote, a dvd, shoot he even tried to scoot the Leap Frog piano around the room. Sometimes he will scoot one toy and then push another toy with it. For example he got a corn popper from his Aunt E and he will be busy pushing that along the floor until he sees said object number two which he then will push with the corn popper. It's hysterical. In addition he loves to open the bottom drawer of his changing table (where all the toys are) and take everything out. Not really to play with, you see the game in itself is just taking objects out! (Note - he hasn't mastered the whole putting them back technique, I hear that takes a while, sometimes not until they are like 30 or something! ha-ha)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Day

Today Dylan, Roxy and I went for a run and then detoured to the playground to swing for a bit. This evening we got to visit with some friends Melissa, Greg and Reese and Neda, Ed and Ava. It was so fun to see the girls, both about 16 months now. Dylan had a good time playing with them and it was nice to see Melissa and Neda and catch up. Time goes by too fast, it's nice to have good friends to be able to enjoy it with!