Friday, January 23, 2009

Books, not just for eating anymore!

Tonight we had a breakthrough during bedtime. As we sat in Dylan's chair and cuddled up with our gnawed up copy of Goodnight Moon something spectacular happened. Dylan sat in my lap and pointed at the pictures on the pages, and before I knew it I had finished reading him the book. No grabbing the book and biting it, no trying to constantly turn the book over, no knocking the book on the floor and scooting it around, just quiet attention. I was so surprised by his reaction I read it again. Same thing! He listened to me and pointed at the pages and talked to me, almost mimicking what I was saying. It was so fun! I was just talking to some mommy friends this morning at MOPS about how I was looking forward to the time when he would be able to just sit in my lap and allow me to read to him. It happened. I guess this means it's time to expand our little library, not much need to have a lot of books when all they are used for is chewing!

Happy reading!

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