Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dylan's first Christmas

What an amazing day! It was a long one, but so worth it. We are so blessed to have spent the day with all of our family. We started the morning at our house and Dylan opened some really cool musical instruments from Santa and some Melissa and Doug puzzles from me & his Daddy. We had a fun time jamming out with the music and then he pushed a puzzle piece around the floor for a bit, all the while stopping to taste the paper and boxes at any and all opportunities. Then it was nap time and Chris and I exchanged gifts and got ready to go over to Gram and Poppy's first then to Grandmommy & Granddaddy's. We had a lovely brunch with Gram and Poppy and then opened some gifts from them and then the rest of the family came over Uncle Matt & Aunt Heather with cousins Emma and Kira, then Uncle Mike and Aunt Betty arrived with cousin Thomas. It was a whirlwind of gift giving, paper flying, laughing, hugging, kissing and thanking. Some gifts include 2 leap from toys one that hooks up to the TV and one that's a piano, some clothes, a tranitional push, pull, walker, and so much more. Then it was off to Grandmommy and Granddaddy's to see Uncle Nick and Aunt Elizabeth who had very special news to share...a cousin is due in July! It was so exciting and we are so happy for them. Dylan got a really cool radio flyer old school wagon/push pull transition toy which is going to have him walking in no time flat! Dylan also got a popcorn popper and some wooden blocks. Dinner was prime rib and yorkshire pudding, and it was fantastic! Dylan managed to stay up and sat with us through dinner and was a perfect little gentlemen, entrtaining us all talking and laughing! He only had one nap this morning and it didn't phase him at all, he was happy and smiling and let everyone hold him and hug him all day long. He fell asleep around 8:30 and even when we woke him up to leave around 10:30 and he just woke up with a smile and didn't even complain. He's such a great little guy. When I got home I noticed Chris had downloaded some photos to our digital frame, and I was overwhelmed with emotion. I just am so happy, and love this child so much, and love my husband and our families, and really feel so blessed with the abundance of joy and love in our lives. It was an amazing first Christmas for Dylan, and an amazing first Christmas as parents. Chris and I are in for some fun times ahead!

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