Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Eve

Today Dylan & I went to Plano to visit Grandmommy and Granddaddy. Actually the boys hung out while us girls went to the Coach outlet to splurge on some super cute purses courtesy of my Coach-loving Mother in Law! She turned me onto Coach about 10 years ago and I have to say I still carry the "original" one she bought as a Christmas gift the first year Chris and I were married. Anyway my sister in law met us and we all had a fun time browsing through the store, we would just walk around with 2-3 purses on our arms until we felt the need to let one go, and then we would try the "feel" of the next one. Anyone who has ever purse-shopped knows what I mean. Meanwhile GrandDaddy B and Dylan were hanging at the house having a grand ol' time. I do believe he never once stopped, and I know they will both sleep well tongiht! We left around 4:00 and he promtly fell asleep in the car and remained asleep for about an hour, not even budging when I moved his carseat inside.

Chris got home around 5:30 and we had some fun at dinner. Dylan has really found his voice lately and enjoys telling us all about his thoughts on sweet potatoes, veggie burgers and such. He will get real wide-eyed and then hold his food in the air high above his head and look at it and then talk to us for several minutes. It is quite adorable, he certainly has a lot to say about it all. We took some video and he must of gone on for about 10 minutes straight. Can't wait to watch it back!

Chris & I had our traditional surf and turf New Year's dinner with steak and lobster tail - delicious! Now for some champagne and possibly some Wii, if we can figure out how to use it!

This year comes to an end with happiness in my heart, and a new definition for the word LOVE now that I am a mom. Our son brings us more joy than we ever thought possible. My heart sometimes feels as if it will just explode. I am looking forward to 2009 and all it has to bring our little family. Perhaps maybe even a brother or sister for Dylan! Peace and love to all! xoxo

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